Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Storytelling Week 7: The Doctor's Crazy Story

(Radio show host): Good morning, Dallas! Thanks for tuning in on this beautiful Monday morning. So we know that we've been getting pretty repetitive with some of our contests, and wanted to spice the show up a little bit, so we've decided to do a new segment called "What were they thinking?", where we allow callers to tell us their stories, and the craziest story wins a free cruise!

(Radio co-host): We know a lot of ya'll have had some strange things happen to you, and we're super eager to hear your stories. Call in between the hours of 9am and 12pm to let your story be heard and hopefully win a cruise to the beautiful Bahamas!

(Radio host): It looks like we already have people calling in! Our first caller goes by the name "Doctor". Hey Doctor, what's your crazy story?

(Doctor): You guys aren't going to believe my story, I barely believe it!

(Radio Co-host) Please go ahead and tell us, we can't wait!

(Doctor): I come from a small town and I'm the only doctor for all of the residents, so I get pretty close to all of my patients. One of my patients, Pedro, came in about six months ago and was complaining that he didn't have a wife, and didn't think he'd ever get married because he didn't have anything to offer a woman.

(Radio Host): Well that's pretty sad, poor Pedro.

(Doctor): You won't be saying "Poor Pedro" after I tell you what happened. So I decided I would help Pedro out and find him a wife. I knew a friend of mine had a daughter who was interested in getting married quickly, so I set the two of them up. They got married the next day, and I allowed them to live out at one of my houses and even gave them 200 pieces of gold to kind of give them some money to start out with.

(Radio host): That was pretty nice of you! I wish my friends would give me two hundred pieces of gold. I would have been so thankful!

(Doctor): I would have been too! I thought everything was okay, then i went on with my life and I thought they had too. About a year later, I got a call from them that they needed more money because they had spent all of mine.

(Radio co-host): They asked you for more money?! After you helped them get married and gave them money to start their lives?

(Doctor): Yep! So I reluctantly gave them more money, just because I didn't want them to suffer. I thought that it would be the last I heard from them.

(Radio host): Well I'd hope so! But I assume that they called you again.

(Doctor): Yes they did. And that's when I started to get a little suspicious. How could they be blowing through so much money? So I decided I would confront them about it. They then had the audacity to play dead when I confronted them, so I kind of took them back to my house so that they could be my servants.

(Radio host): You took them to be your servants? That's a little weird.

(Doctor): I know, but what was I supposed to do? They took all of my money!

(Radio co-host): Well that was quite the story.

(Radio host): Yeah, I know that we still have more stories to hear, but I don't think that anything could top that! Doctor, we're just going to go ahead and give you the cruise!

(Doctor): Wow thanks so much!

(Radio host): Someone will contact you with the details. Make sure to tune-in after the break to hear more crazy stories and to see who will win the contest tomorrow!

Bibliography: This story is based off of The Clever Husband And Wife in the Filipino Popular Tales by Dean Fasler. 

Author's Note: In this story, Pedro thought that he didn't have a chance at finding a wife because he didn't have any money or anything to offer a woman. The doctor decided that he would help him find a wife and get him married the next day. After the two were married, he gave them a house and two hundred pesos in order to start their life together. They spent all of their money and had nothing, so they asked the doctor for money again. They spent money again, and asked once more, then realized that they could just keep asking the doctor for money. The doctor figured out their scam, went to confront them, and they played dead. The doctor realized that they were faking it, and made them his servants for life for stealing from him. I thought it would be fun to do a modern radio show about it, and make the radio program a contest for crazy stories. I think it would have been interesting for the doctor to be able to share his story on the air and get modern-day reactions to it. It made it fun to give the doctor a cruise for having the most ridiculous story because that's something that radio shows today do.


  1. Hey Jessica! I really liked your take on this story. I haven’t read anyone else’s story in the format of a radio show, so that was a cool twist on your tale. I think that it is really weird that the couple would try and play dead after taking so much money! You did a good job capturing the story and I can’t wait to see what else you do!

  2. I really like your story and I think the style you used to tell it was really creative. I would not have thought to do a radio broadcast but now it sounds like fun. I think each paragraph of the story was more shocking then the last haha. How does this doctor have so much Gold and why is he giving it to people!? Then he just casually makes the couple be his servants, so random. I liked it a lot though because it was so crazy and random. Great job overall, I look forward to reading more.

  3. The radio show seems to be a real popular storytelling this week. I think It's a really fun way to read and tell stories. The modern day spin to the story was really creative. It always interesting and exciting to take such an old time story and add it to the modern now time. I'm glad I got to read your story. It was well written and organized.
