Monday, April 4, 2016

Reading Diary Week 11: British Nursery Rhymes

This week I read Nursery Rhymes in the British Unit by Andrew Lang.

A lot of these nursery rhymes were very different than those that I grew up with. I found some that I've heard different versions of before, but a lot of them were new, which made them fun to read. I was kind of surprised to find that a lot of them were a bit darker, which is unique since nursery rhymes are meant for children. I realized, however, that a lot of the rhymes that I grew up hearing were also dark, but they weren't very blatant about it and just had hidden meanings, like "Ring Around The Rosy" is about the bubonic plague.

The rhymes that I found to be really interesting to read were those in the "Charms and Lullabies" section of the readings, since they were also very dark and it's weird to think about trying to get your child to go to sleep with such dark poems. I thought that the poem "Bye Baby Bunting" was one of the most unique poems. It talks about a father going to hunt for an animal and get its skin to wrap the child in.

In contrast, the rhyme that tries to quiet a baby was very heartwarming and didn't contain any dark elements at all. I like that it talks about a parent would do/give anything to their child in order to make them happy.

I liked this unit a lot overall. These stories were different than the stories that I've for this class so far, so it was a great way to mix things up.

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