Monday, February 22, 2016

Reading Diary Week 6: Nigerian Folk Stories

This week I read the Nigerian Folk Stories unit by Elphinstone Dayrell

Of The Pretty Stranger Who Killed The King: MBOTU was a terrible king. He took prisoners for slaves and his people hated him. Many people wanted to kill him, and a witch decided to take matters into her own hands. She changed herself into a pretty girl and ended up killing the king. The king of Itu, however, was planning an attack. They attacked after the king was killed and ended up killing and taking a lot of the people in the town as prisoners. 

Why The Bat Flies By Night: A rat, Oyot and a bat, Emiong, were great friends. The bat always cooked good food and told the rat that he boiled himself in water in order to make the best food. The rat decided to try this, died, and the wife of the rat was very upset and wanted the bat to be killed. The bat changed his habits so that he flew at night instead of the day so that he could avoid being killed.

The Disobedient Daughter Who Married A Skull: A skull decided that he wanted to marry a very beautiful woman named Afiong. He borrowed many parts from his friends and was made into a beautiful man. Afiong saw him and fell in love, and agreed when he wanted to marry her. Her parents hesitated, but since Afiong was very stubborn, she went back to his homeland as his wife. Since he was a skull, his friends demanded their body parts back, and he was left only looking like a skull. Afiong wanted to go home, but he refused and took her back to his home to his mother. His mother loved her, so she eventually decided to help her escape, and Afiong was returned to her parents. 

The King Who Married The Cock's Daughter: Effiom was married to 250 women, but wasn't satisfied with any of them. He decided to marry a hen, and she made him happier than any of his other wives. This made them mad and they ended up tricking him into having to send her away, which broke his heart, and he died.

The Woman, The Ape and The Child: A woman had a child and moved to the jungle with her husband. The ape would come and take care of the child, and a jealous man decided to report this to the husband, who now wanted to kill the ape. The husband shot the ape, but didn't kill him, and the ape ended up killing the child. Out of anger, the husband also killed his wife and then went to tell the king what happened. The king, Duke, wanted to kill the hunter for all the issues he caused. He was killed, and apes and monkeys are now afraid of children.

The Fish and the Leopard's Wife: A leopard had a beautiful wife, and all the fish fell in love with her. Fish used  to be able to come on the land and would visit the leopard's wife. The leopard found out, was enraged and went to the king. The king ruled that fish were to never come on the land again, and that they would be eaten by any animal or human who found them in the future.

Why the Worms live Underneath the Ground: Driver ants and worms had a fight to see who was the strongest. The worms lost, so they had to go live underground for eternity.

The Elephant and the Tortoise: A tortoise tricked an elephant into giving him his eyes. The elephant then tricked the worm into giving him his eyes, so now elephants have tiny eyes and worms are blind.

Why a Hawk kills Chickens: A hawk fell in love with a hen, and she agreed to marry him. A young chicken then decided that he wanted to marry the hen, and stole her from the hawk. The hawk was very angry, and the king decided that chickens will be carried off by hawks for eternity to pay the hawk back for having his wife taken. 

Why the Sun and the Moon live in the Sky: The sun built a large compound for his friend, water, to come visit with all its other friends. The compound was built, and water came in with all its friends, and pushed the sun and the moon into the sky. 

Why the Cat kills Rats: Ansa had a very good housekeeping cat. A rat fell in love with one of the king's girls, but didn't have anything to offer the king. The cat then realized that food was missing from the store and her friends told her that the rat had taken the food to pay the king for the girl. The cat told the king, who was very angry, and was ordered to quit her job and take the rat. The cat killed the rat, which is why all rats get killed by cats now. 

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