Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Storytelling: Helen's Diary

This story is based on the story of Helen and how the war between Greece and Troy started. 

Dear Diary,

My dad, the King of Sparta, says that it's time for me to find a husband. A lot of women my age are already getting married, so he figures that I need to be married too. I don't think I'm quite ready yet though. My life is working out pretty well and I don't think I'm ready for marriage. I don't even know how I'll choose a husband, especially since Greece is filled with so many wonderful men. I know my dad doesn't expect me to marry just anyone, but it's still stressful for me to worry about. I'm just going to try to avoid the subject for now, and hopefully my father just forgets. 

Dear Diary,

Some men came to the castle today and I overheard my father talking to them about marrying me. He told them that no matter who I choose they must still remain friends, and if someone steals me, they must help my husband get me back. Why would someone steal me? That's making this whole marriage thing a whole lot scarier. I don't necessarily need to get married, right? 

Dear Diary,

I know the last time I wrote I said I was very nervous about getting married, but I've met the most amazing man, Menelaüs. He treats me so well and we have so much fun. I know he's already asked my father to marry me, so now I'm just counting down the days until he finally asks me. I can't wait to get married.

Dear Diary,

My father passed away, so I guess that means Menelaüs will be the new king, and I the queen. I just can't believe that my father is gone. He did so much for me over the years, and I'm not quite sure what I'll do without him.

Dear Diary, 

I don't know what to do. Paris, a young man from Troy, broke into the castle last night and took me away from the castle, along with many of my belongings. I know how angry Menelaüs will be, and I know he will come after me. All of the men also promised my father that they would help get me back, so I'm not sure what will come of this. Greece and Troy could easily go to war, but that's the last thing I want.

Dear Diary,

It's been so long since I've written. Greece and Troy are in the middle of a messy war, all because of me. The Greeks keep trying to invade Troy, but the Trojans are holding on and hoping for a victory. I know lots of men have died and have had to leave their families in order to fight. I just want to go back to Menelaüs, and end this war, but Paris refuses. He claims to love me, but I know that this just has more to do with money and power. I just hope this ends soon. 

Author's note: Helen is infamous for being the entire reason that the Greeks and Trojans went to war. Since it wasn't something that was covered in detail in the actual Iliad, but was covered in Church's version, I thought it would be interesting to do a diary from Helen's perspective to show how she felt about the everything going on in her life. 

Bibliography: This story is based on the story of Helen in Homer's Iliad retold by Alfred J. Church 


  1. Hi Jessica! I really liked your story telling on how Helen felt about getting married, and then being taken away from her home by the Trojans. I thought it was very insightful, and was really hooked. I wanted to hear how the story ended. This was also a really cool way to tell the story. It would be nice to hear a lot of stories from this perspective!

  2. Hi Jessica! I really liked how you chose to do a "Dear Diary" style for this storytelling post, I might actually use that style for my future storytelling posts! I would really like to find out what happened to Helen and if she was ever able to return home. Overall, great story and I look forward to reading more of your work this semester!
