Monday, February 8, 2016

Storybook Styles Brainstorm

My Topic: I really think that I want to my storybook over gods and goddesses. I think I want to do it over Olympian gods specifically, just because there are a lot more options for characters with these gods. I really love Zeus, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite and Iris. It's really hard to choose which one to do the book over right now. I think that Aphrodite would be fun to do a storybook over, since she is the goddess of love. Zeus, on the other hand, is a very well known god, who did a lot throughout Mythology, so he could also be really interesting to do the storybook over. It would also be cool to do it over a lesser known god or goddess, just because I think it'd be fun to learn more about him or her.


The Story of Zeus on Theoi

The Story of Athena on Theoi

The Story of Apollo on Theoi

The Story of Aphrodite on Theoi

The Story of Iris on Theoi

Possible Styles: 

Love as a storyteller: This topic could be a lot of fun, just because it would be fun and easy to make a story about a god/goddess falling in love and doing crazy things in order to make the person return their feelings. Aphrodite would be a great main character for this story, since she was the goddess of love, among other things, and had affairs with a few different gods. One hard thing about this though would be figuring out who the narrator was, since I'm using the Greek goddess of love as the main character already. I could most definitely find other goddesses in different mythology to use though. I could also easily do this over Zeus, since he was also known for loving multiple women. It would be fun to do a story over him and his many lovers.

Tabloid Gossip and Scandal: This one would also be a ton of fun, since the Olympian gods always seemed to have scandals going on. There could be love affairs, secret alliances or just deals being made that make headlines. One idea that jumped out at me was having Zeus and Thetis meeting up to discuss Achilles, and Hera just assuming that he's trying to find another wife. Aphrodite would also be a great one for this, since she seemed to have multiple lovers. This style would also kind of relate to modern times, since tabloids are so prevalent in our society today and people seem to always read/believe them.

Neighborhood Gossip: I think it'd be super interesting to just have neighborhood gossip going on with the Olympian gods. This would be a great way to be able to use multiple characters, but still keep the drama that you kind of associate with some mythology. I could use all five, and maybe more, of the gods and goddesses that I find interesting and make a ton of neighborhood drama. Maybe people are upset with how aggressive Zeus can be, or how annoying happy and nosy Iris is, or the jealousy that people have for Aphrodite. There are a ton of possibilities with this idea.


Divine Observer: This would be fun to do because you don't really think about what it would be like if the gods/goddesses were watching everything that is happening on earth today. I think it would maybe be cool to do it from multiple perspectives and do differing opinions based on which god/goddess is observing. I think that this allows for a lot of creative freedom, and could be a great way to describe the views of the different Olympian gods and show their personality.

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