Monday, February 8, 2016

Reading Week 4: Bidpai

This week I read the India Unit about Bidpai's fables by Bidpai.

Introduction: Bidpai's wrote fables, and is considered as one of the bravest philosophers from his time. King Dabshelim kept him around, but forgot him until the he remembered him one day, then, as a reward, gave him the entire kingdom to rule. Bidpai then gave Dabshelim all his moral wisdom, which made the king very happy, so he granted him any wish he wanted.

The Rustic and the Nightingale: The Rustic had a beautiful garden that he took very good care of. One day, he saw a Nightingale in his garden and was angered by it. The Nightingale returned, and the Rustic decided to capture it and take it home. The Nightingale was very sad, so he offered to sing a song for the Rustic. The Rustic enjoyed the song and decided to let the Nightingale go.

The King, the Falcon and the Drinking Cup: The king had a falcon who helped him hunt. One day they spotted a deer, and the king pursued it along with the falcon. The king was taking a drink, the falcon hit it out of his hand, and the king killed it by hitting it simply because he was angry. He was very upset once he realized he killed the falcon.

The Two Travelers: Ganem and Salem were two friends who were traveling together. They rested and they came upon a white stone with writing that guided them to their ideal destination. Ganem wanted to go that way, but Salem was skeptical and wanted to go a different way, so they separated. Ganem found people at city gates who were mourning their king, and by city rules, since Ganem followed the inscription, he was crowned the new king.

Poor Man, Rich Man, Young Man: The Poor Man received oil from a wealthy merchant, and he started planning what he could do with it. He made a plan, but spilled the oil everywhere and couldn't use it. The Rich man had a bundle of wood, but he refused to give it to a priest for a poor man. The same pile of wood ended up burning his house down. The Young Man saw a raven getting fed by a hawk, and decided that if he were lazy that someone would come take care of him. He ended up withering away, and realized he should have been more like the hawk.

The Merchant and his Iron: The merchant allowed one of his friends to watch his iron while he went on a journey, but the friend sold the iron and lied. The merchant then stole his son as revenge for selling the iron.

Gardener, Farmer, Tyrant: The Gardener befriended a bear and the bear was annoyed by a fly who was bothering the sleeping gardener. The Bear ended up killing the Gardener and the fly. Robbers tricked a stupid farmer and stole his sheep, even though he thought it was a dog. A tyrant decided to change his ways because he had seen how quickly karma caught up with people who had done something wrong.

The King, the Hermit and the Two Princes: A king found out that he was about to die, and he didn't want either of his sons to have it, so he gave it to a Hermit who hid it. One of the sons became king and kept some of the riches. The other prince found the hidden treasure and took it. The city soon elected a fair and just king.

Three Stories About Apes: One ape decided he wanted to try splitting wood like a carpenter, but ended up hurting himself, which was payback for meddling in the carpenter's business. A group of apes decided that they wanted to attack a popinjay, who taunted them. They then killed her. An ape and a boar became friends, but then he upset the boar and the boar tried to kill him, but fell and died while climbing the tree. 

The Ass, The Lion and The Fox: A lion became very ill, and a fox decided to help him by suggesting he attack the ass. The lion attacked and killed him, and wanted the heart and ears, but needed to bathe first. The fox decided he was going to eat the heart and lungs and had to escape from the lion. 

Three Stories About Foxes: The fox was hungry and heard a drum, which he thought was a sign that there was large food nearby. The hen, hearing the drum as well, took flight and the fox went to sleep hungry because he was greedy. The fox and the piece of meat is about a hungry fox that was outsmarted by a jackal. A hunter wanted a fox's skin very badly. The hunter tried to outsmart the fox, but the fox had escaped and a leopard was waiting for the hunter in the brush and killed him. 

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