Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: Homer's Iliad

I read the second part of Homer's Iliad, retold by Alfred J. Church.

The Rousing of Achilles and The Rousing of Achilles continued: There were many people fighting for the body of Patroclus. Hector took his arms but Antilŏchus, who was very upset that Patroclus was dead, sent Menelaüs to talk to Achilles to save Patroclus', since he was wearing Achilles body. Achilles was incredibly sad to learn that Patroclus was dead and his mother decided to help him once again. Achilles went down to the trenches to hold the Trojans back in order to get his arms back. Achilles got Patroclus' body and mourned for him.

The Slaying of Hector: Achilles was going to get back at Hector for killing Patroclus and Thetis had new weapons made for him. Apollo had kept the Greeks from taking the city of Troy, but the Trojans were waiting to enter the gate.

The Slaying of Hector cont.: The gods deliberated on whether or not they were going to allow Achilles to kill Hector. The gods argued, but ultimately Apollo helped him, keeping Hector alive.

The Slaying of Hector end: Hector and Achilles met to talk. Achilles threw a spear at Hector, missed, but Athene gave the spear back without Hector knowing. Achilles struck Hector again, and he was killed.

The Ransoming of Hector: Zeus wanted the body of Hector and sent Thetis to get it from Achilles. Achilles wanted the to buy it from him, so Zeus sent a message to Priam to send Hermes to get the body. Achilles didn't easily give it up though and decided to hold Hector's body for ransom.

The Ransoming of Hector cont.: Priam went to see Achilles to plead with him for Hector's body. He wept to Achilles, and Achilles, still sad from losing Patroclus, sympathized with Priam and gave up Hector's body, and they had a great burial for him.

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