Saturday, January 23, 2016

Learning Challenges: Learn By H.E.A.R.T

I actually really enjoy reading about all of these topics! The video about time measured in jellybeans also really made me think, because I think it's really easy to get in a routine of never using your time for anything worthwhile, like choosing to take a nap or just binge-watch Netflix. The advertisement also kind of opened my eyes to see that procrastinating isn't really the best thing to do at all, because a lot of times you never even achieve your original goal.

As for the Learn By H.E.A.R.T, I think time, health and happiness are all very important to me and things I need to really focus on in the coming year. I've been really bad about making time to take care of myself and eat healthy and workout, which is something I want to be much better at this year. I need to make time to be active and eat healthy and realize the implications that not being healthy might have later in life. It can be hard as a college student to eat healthy and work out, both because of how expensive and time consuming it can be, but there are relatively easy ways to be healthy, so I just need to stop making excuses. I'm really bad about procrastinating, saying I'll work out or start eating healthy "tomorrow, which is a habit I really need to break.

I definitely need to have better time management. I'm extremely bad about procrastinating and waiting until last minute to do homework, study for a test and work on projects. Since I'm busier this semester, I'm really trying to write things down in a calendar and do things way before they're due.

Lastly, happiness is something I really want to work on this semester. I'm currently happy in my life, but I want to make sure I'm doing things that make me happy, whether it be taking time out of each day to read a book or saying no to people when I know I don't want to participate in an activity. I think that it's so easy to just say "yes", simply because I don't want to be the person who's left out or not a part of the group. The problem with that, however, is that I'm not always happy with the activities that we are doing or how much time is spent doing said activities. I want to spend more time doing the hobbies I'm passionate about, rather than just wasting time doing mindless activities.
(This image is a good way to describe how people get sucked into a mundane life) 

I think all of the H.E.A.R.T aspects are incredibly important to growing as people and achieving a life that's rewarding, but it's also hard to keep up with each of them. I really would like to work on growing in each of these areas this semester.


  1. I noticed that you said "I've been really bad about making time to take care of myself and eat healthy and workout." I think this is something a lot of college students can relate to. i always think, I will make time for this when I am done with college. But by that time, I will have spent four years of my life developing bad eating, sleeping, workout, and study habits. It's important to think about these things now.

  2. I also struggle a lot with time management! I tend to procrastinate because working under pressure can be much more efficient for me, but I usually end up wishing I had more time. I think it’s great to write assignments and due dates down in your calendar! I try to use my daily planner to manage my time as well.
    I think saying ‘no’ to things you would rather not participate in is a great idea and really important for your own happiness and well-being.
