Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Overview Of My Untextbook Reading Choices

There are so many stories that look good, but for the first week I'm going to read about Bible Women. I'm very interested in learning about the women of the bible, so I think I'll enjoy about this unit. I've learned a little about some of the women, so I think it'll be interesting to go in depth with the stories and descriptions.

(The Garden Of Eden by Lucas Cranach The Elder)

Alice in Wonderland I've always enjoyed the "Alice in Wonderland" stories, so I believe I'm going to really like reading this unit. "Alice in Wonderland" was one of my favorite stories and movies growing up, so it'll be cool to read it as an adult and see if I'm just as interested. I always think it's interesting how different authors take one story that's popular, like "Alice in Wonderland", and make it their own.

Homer's Iliad I remember reading this story in high school, as well as watching a movie over it, so I'm interested in reading it again and trying to see what all I remember about it. I really liked the movie, so I'm hoping that this story will be just as interesting. I also think it would be interesting to watch the movie again and see how it corresponds to the book.

Myths of the Cherokee I'm Choctaw and I'm very interested in Native American myth and folklore in general, so I think this unit will be really interesting. I've never really been able to learn about the Cherokee culture, so this is a great reading opportunity. It's always really cool to hear stories and learn about the traditions, cultures and beliefs that different Native American tribes have. This unit will be extremely interesting. 

1 comment:

  1. Reading the Bible Women unit and then the Iliad for Weeks 2 and 3 would be a great combination, Jessica! Although the focus of the Iliad is the male heroes, of course the women are important too, especially the contrast between Helen (called "Helen of Troy," but she is actually Greek, the wife of King Menelaus) and Andromache (wife the Trojan prince Hector), plus the goddesses also get involved in the story, especially Achilles's mother Thetis. You can see what you think about the comparisons/contrasts between the stories about women from the Bible and the women whose stories you get to glimpse in the Iliad!
