Sunday, January 31, 2016

Storybook Topics

There are so many things to do my storybook over! I've actually taken up a lot of interest into Greek
mythology, so I potentially want to do my project over some part of Greco-Roman Mythology.

Gods and Goddesses: I've always had interests in the gods and goddesses of mythology. Zeus, Poseidon, etc. so I think it'd be really interesting to do my storybook over some of these gods and goddesses, especially if I could incorporate the aspect of love into it somewhere. I would really like to learn more about the different gods and goddesses in Greco-Roman Mythology, so this project would be a lot of fun for me.
Research I've Done So Far: I don't know a lot about any of the gods or goddesses, at least not in detail, so this website was really helpful for introducing a lot of the different gods and goddesses and their role in mythology. I learned more about Zeus, who I was familiar with, and also Iris, who I had never heard about before. It was actually really helpful to kind of know the names of all of them and see the different things they did.

Women: I feel like we rarely ever hear about women in mythology, so it would be really informative to do my project over the different women and their rules in mythology. I actually haven't learned about any women in mythology besides the different goddesses. I also think it would be a great way to be able to tell people about these women and spread the knowledge that way. 
Research so far: There are so many notable women. I was really surprised by the list I found here, just because I've never heard any of these names before. I learned about Caeneus, who was a woman who was actually transformed into a man in order to fight in the war. I think that there is actually a ton of information over these women, so that could make my project very interesting. 
Constellations: I've always been a huge fan of Astronomy, so the idea of doing my storybook over how the stars and mythology connect is super appealing. I'd love to learn more about how and why the constellations got their names and how it ties back in to mythology. I've heard stories about the big and little dipper, but I'm sure that there are a lot more that I've never even heard of.
Research so far: I actually found a website that lists out all of the major constellations and how they got their names. I'm a Taurus, so I thought it would be fun to briefly look up information about my sign. I learned that when Jupiter fell in love with Europa, he actually took on a bull form (Taurus) and that's how the constellation got it's name. I'll be very interested to read through the rest of the constellations and learn how they got their names. 

Mythological Creatures: This topic has always been super interesting to me. I love learning about Calypso and other mythological creatures, so this could be a great storybook topic and way to learn about mythological creatures. I don't know of many (I learned a little bit about them in my high school English classes), so I think I would learn a lot by doing my storybook over this topic.
Research so far: There are so many different mythological creatures. I would have a hard time choosing just a couple, but I definitely couldn't do it over all of them. There's also a lot of information about the creatures in general. I read a little bit about Talos on this website. Talos was a giant who guarded the Island of Crete. He actually had him as Europa's protecter while she lived on Crete. He was a huge gold "statue". I liked the little bit I learned about him and his time on the infamous Island of Crete. 

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