Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 2: Reading Diary: Bible Women

The first half of the Bible Women was very interesting to read. I have only heard about a few of them, so I enjoyed reading about all of the different women in biblical times.

Eve: Eve is probably the most well-known biblical woman. She was tempted by the servant to eat the apple and disobeyed God, shattering the perfect world they lived in. She and Adam were forced out of the Garden of Eden and, in God's eyes, corrupted humanity.

Sarah: Sarah was the wife of Abraham and wasn't supposed to have children, but God told her that she would have a son, and she gave birth to Isaac.

(Abraham and three angels)

Hagar: Sarah knew she couldn't have children, and felt that Abraham needed a son, so she told Hagar to bear a son for them. God commanded her to name him Ishmael. Sarah, after conceiving Isaac, casts out Hagar and Ishmael.

Rebekah: Rebekah was Isaac's wife after Sarah died. She was also unable to have children, but God decided that she was to conceive, and she became pregnant with twins. Esau and Jacob.

Rachel: Rachel was Jacob's niece, and when he found her fell in love with her, served for her for seven years, but Laban had him marry both of his daughters, Leah and Rachel, even though he loved Leah more.

Leah: Leah was the wife of Jacob, along with Rachel, but was the only one who could conceive children. She had three sons, Simon, Judah and Levi. Rachel got jealous, demanded that Jacob give her children, but ended up having her handmaid, Bilhah, have a child for them. The son's name was Dan. She then had a one more son, Naphtali. Leah then decided to have more children, since Rachel had more, but had her handmaid have them for her. The son's name was Gad, and the Zilpah, the handmaid, had one more son, Asher. God gave Leah another son, Zebulun, and a daughter, Dinah. God also gave Rachel another son, Joseph.

Potiphar's Wife: Potiphar's wife tried to sleep with Joseph, but he refused. Joseph was still blamed though and taken to prison.

Jephthah's Daughter: She was his only daughter. She told her father that she was going to give her virginity to the mountain. She took a two month long journey with companions to do this. 

Delilah: Samson's wife who bound him before the men came to take him to Gaza to go to prison.

Hannah: Elkanah's wife. She couldn't have children, but had a child that she ended up declaring to the lord.

This unit was interesting to read, but it also was kind of hard to understand since the language used made it a bit difficult to get through. I did enjoy reading more about bible women though! I hadn't heard of any of them besides Eve and Sarah, so the first half of this unit was very interesting!

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