Monday, January 11, 2016

Comment Wall

Leave your comments here!

(My cat, Michael. Picture taken by me)

Taylor Swift's "Out of the Woods" has been one of my favorite more recent videos! 


  1. Hey Jessica! I loved your intro. This is the second intro of the day that involves going back to the past. I find the idea of going back to the past very interesting, whether its to redo something, a mistake you made, or just to visit somebody that you want to visit. Zeus is my favorite/most interesting out of the gods and goddesses in my opinion so I look forward to reading about that among all the others. This is a really unique story and I look forward to reading more. I like the whole "Mount Olympus" deal and also love the picture you put up showing all the gods and goddesses. It is always good to have a visual of what you are going to read. Your intro also makes people want to keep reading to see what is going to be told and what happens so I think you will have a lot of interesting readers. Good job! And cool last name by the way! Haha. I have never had anyone in any of my classes with the same last name AND spelled the exact same way.

  2. I look forward to your stories. I like the questions you pose about the gods and goddesses. I really want to know what Athena’s secret is. I hope there’s a mention of Apollo in these stories. I particularly look forward to the story of Hera; she is supposed to be the goddess of marriage after all. I am curious how you’ll set up the stories. Is this going to be Mean Girl’s style Burn Book? That would be really cool. Is the narrator a nosy neighbor? Why do the gods and goddesses trust the narrator? Is the narrator a god or goddess? That’s the only way they could live on Mount Olympus right? Or at least that’s how it works in Disney’s Hercules so I may be wrong. Or is this structured as more of a gossip site? I do look forward to your stories. I would recommend increasing the font size and choosing a bolder color but overall, I like the layout of the site.

  3. Oh good, I really enjoy Greek Mythology. I am really looking forward to your stories. I can only imagine how much goes on behind the "walls" of Mount Olympus. I like how you described it as an elite neighborhood. I am really looking forward to hearing all of the gossip. I like that you are covering several different gods and goddesses and hope that there are many others that will be mentioned as well. I am curious as to who the storyteller is, and to whether the identity will become known in the end. I can imagine that the other gods and goddesses would not be happy about their dirty secrets being laid out. I do think it would be to your benefit, or my benefit anyways, to increase the font slightly. I find larger font easier to read. Overall great job with the introduction and I look forward to reading the stories.

  4. Hey Jessica! I really enjoyed reading your introduction on Mount Olympus Gossip! It drives me crazy not knowing who the character is that’s divulging all of the god and goddesses secrets, but I think it’s creative that you’re keeping their identity a secret. I agree the gods would not let that act go unpunished! I like that you have Mount Olympus described as a neighborhood. It almost makes me feel like it’s one of those shows on Bravo called Real Housewives of (insert city name here). I really enjoy reading Greek mythology so I can’t wait to read your stories in the upcoming weeks! I feel like the gods tend to look perfect and that they support each other on the outside but in reality they all secretly hate each other. I wonder what the narrator’s motive was for deciding to tell all of the god and goddesses secrets? Did they do something to make her mad? I guess I’ll have to wait and see! Keep up the good work!

  5. Hey Jessica! Your story in your project on Hera was great! I really didn’t have much background information on this goddess so I thought the entire story was interesting! I can’t believe she still married Zeus after he had taken advantage of her and then proceeded to cheat on her all the time. It made me wonder why she didn’t just leave him? I hate to admit it but I think I would have a jealousy and revenge problem as well if my husband treated me the way Zeus did! She did go a little overboard when she decided to poison an entire town’s water supply just to harm one of Zeus’ children. I agree with you, I wonder why she only tried to get revenge from him once… it seems like she’s taking her anger out on the wrong person! You did a really good job at telling Hera’s story in a gossipy tone. I thought the added commentary from the narrator was clever!

  6. I like the simplicity of your blog. It looks neat and clean. I think it is interesting that you added a picture for about me section. I think that was a wonderful idea. I liked your comment wall that you added a video that keeps my ears entertained.

  7. I always liked Taylor Swift. She makes pretty good music videos. I'm not a huge fan of this music video though. She set the bar too high for herself. I really liked Blank Space though. It was so much more amusing especially because she seemed like she was making fun of herself. She puts a lot of effort into her music videos though.

  8. Hi Jessica! I chose your storybook as one my extra credit free choices! I saw the "Mount Olympus Gossip" title and thought hmm why not? Who doesn't like a good gossip session? I know I'm terrible. I loved Hera's story. I also wrote about Hera and how she lashed on Zeus's mistresses. I couldn't believe the things that she had done in order to get revenge! Poison an entire town? Dear lord woman calm down! I would think that she would just leave the man. Ain't nobody got time for an unfaithful husband. I understand her rage. No one want to feel betrayal, but I think the best revenge is to show your ex that you can be happy without him. Hera took a different route I guess. It's odd that she was forced into the marriage yet she shows unconditional love for Zeus. I suggestion I have for your story is to have some paragraph breaks to made the read a little easier on the eyes. The content is excellent. I can't wait to read the other gossip stories that you will be sharing!

  9. Hey Jessica! I love Taylor Swift, so I was glad to see someone who had chosen this as their music video! This song has such a great haunting, reverberating sound that you can’t quite get out of your head. She puts such a great cinematic feel into her videos and this is no different! Great blog, and can’t wait to see more!

  10. The introduction to your storybook is very interesting. It caught my attention and made me wonder what type of gossip you are going to tell. Who is this person? Is it one of the gods or somebody the gods have let into their inner circle? Does this person tell gossip about themselves too to mask their identity? Although you don't need to answer these question to the reader, think about them when you are writing. It can influence what information your narrator has access to.
    I enjoyed your information about Hera. I already knew all of the information you included except for how Zeus tricked her into marrying her. The gods all do such awful things. I always thought it was unfair how Hera punishes Zeus's mistresses, and even more unfair how she punishes their children. Children have no control over who their parents are. I am curious to see who you chose to write about next.

  11. You did such a great job of actually making your storybook sound like gossip! I really was interested to read more because I felt like I was finding out something that was none of my business! I've never been a huge fan of Greek Gods, but I have a feeling that if all stories were told this way that I would be a lot more interested. One of the big things that made it feel like gossip was when the narrator inserted their own opinions of things. I think it was a good idea to start with Hera because she interacted with so many different gods so you aren't just telling one story, but a diverse story about a person's full life. I can't wait to keep up with your storybook and hear more gossip! Great job on a really interesting storybook that really draws the reader into the action!

  12. First of all, you picked an absolutely perfect image as your cover page photo; I loved that I now had the setting for the stories in my head thanks to that photo. Your introduction was also really well thought out and I liked all of the previews you gave of all the different gods and their stories that would later be told in depth. The gossip vibe that I got from the anonymous storyteller made it sound like he/she really had a lot on their chest that they needed to get out. Then, as for your first story, I was shocked to learn about this side of Hera. You did a great job with all of your research on the subject and it really shows in the number of examples of her wrath that were talked about. I like that you used the line "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" because it perfectly fit with the stories context. How sad though that she was willing to hurt so many others when she should have just taken it out on Zeus. I guess she was stuck between a rock and a hard place though.

  13. I chose your story for extra credit because I had already read your intro and I was really interested. I like the set-up of a gossip site and no one is more gossip worthy the Greek gods on Mount Olympus. I love that you call out Zeus out though. I’m not a big fan of Zeus, mostly based off of stories like the one you gave of how he tricked Hera into marrying him. That’s really unfortunate about her attempted rebellion though. I like how you ended the story. On the one hand, I feel sympathy for Hera. She had a terrible husband and she didn’t even want to be married to him. But you’re right, she handled this stuff terribly. I really loved your story. I will admit I have less sympathy for Hera now. She’s kind of an awful person. Crafty was the word you used and I agree. This did have the gossipy tone you wanted and I loved it.

  14. I just read your story Hera! I like that you started off telling the basics of Hera The first paragraph was great. I loved the wright, wrong statement at the end. I have never read much about the gods. So it was a very interesting story to read. I can't say I judge Hera for trying to get back at Zeus. I mean I sure would. No girl deserves what he put her through. When she made Heracles kill his wife and children though, that is pretty harsh. Then again she did go through a lot her self. The whole story is very dramatic compared to now a day. It sure does keep you on your toes. I have to agree with the amount of irony.

    It would be interesting to know what the other gods and goddess thought about Hera. I wonder if any of them agreed with her. Or if they just saw her as crazy for going to such extremes.

  15. First, I loved your introduction. It actually made me laugh out loud because it reminded me of Gossip Girl. The second paragraph was a great way to introduce the characters in this story. I can’t even imagine a 300-year honeymoon! Wait if you added a little background detail about the honeymoon so the audience could picture it even better? Also, Hera sounds like a total warrior! I would love to see more details about what she looked like or what her favorite hobbies were so I could get an even clearer picture of the Goddess in my head! Last, I loved the ending. I think it would be funny if you had a signature to end all of your gossip stories (kind of like “XOXO Gossip Girl). Overall, I really enjoyed reading this story! It was very descriptive and funny. Keep up the great work!

  16. Hi Jessica!
    I just finished reading your first story about Hera and her anger! I loved that you explained why she was so angry, and gave the audience and insight into what made her that way. I was very shocked to hear that she took her anger out on all of Zeus’ mistresses because like you said that doesn’t seem fair at all! I guess it was better than being tied up and hurt by Zeus again for trying to act out and get back at him. I really felt like I was reading a gossip column all about Hera, so that was great! You did a great job with the atmosphere so I really hope you keep the same tone with the rest of your storybook! It reminded me a little bit of gossip girl actually. I cant wait to see what kind of dirt you have on all of the other gods and goddesses, especially Zeus!

  17. Hi Jessica, I am from the Indian Epics class and decided to read a few of the myth and legends stories this week for some extra credit! I was drawn into your storybook because 1. who doesn't like gossip and 2. it is from Mount Olympus so it is bound to be really good drama. Your website is really clean and I like that. I think it lets the messy drama speak for itself. I read Hera and was really impressed with your storytelling. It is always super frustrating how anger is Hera's downfall, in my opinion. I feel like she should be mad at Zeus but never seems to be despite how he is the cause of most of her relationship's problems. The way you wrote seemed very modern like I was reading some unveiled information on a TMZ or something. You've done a really good job with your storybook and I hope I can come back and see who/what you write about next. Keep up the good work! (P.S. I think Aphrodite would have some awesome stories to tell about on here, just saying :P).

  18. I just read your Aphrodite story and really enjoyed it! I think her love of love itself is a really modern and relatable feeling. Everyone, especially us mortals, loves to read and watch both romantic books and movies, even if it's an action movie, it's always good to throw romance in! So I think Aphrodite was a really great choice for your gossipy story book. I really liked how you weave in a bunch of specific details to Aphrodite's overall story so that the reader can understand the general picture of Aphrodite's life as well as getting a few details that make it more believable and interesting. I always like how stories of gods and goddesses mix the real with the magical elements, and you really conveyed that excellently with your story. I can't wait to head more mount olympus gossip as the semester continues and you write more posts!

  19. This storybook sounds great Jessica!! I hope that I get to check back in and read more stories about the gods! I have always loved Greek mythology, there is really no way to not be entertained by it. I’m sure this was a lot of fun to write and come us with elaborate stories about the hidden dramas behind these notorious Gods. I thought your introduction length was perfect. Some of the introductions I’ve read have been pretty short and didn’t have enough meat to them to really set up the storybook, but I thought yours was perfect! The picture at the end of your introduction sets up what you were talking about exactly, I think it is a very fitting picture. I also like the setup of your storybook blog, it is different then the website I am using and I like the layout of it. Keep up the great work!

  20. I really enjoyed reading your Aphrodite story! You are a great writer and it was really entertaining and exciting to read! That Aphrodite gets around, doesn't she? I mean she is the goddess of love which makes sense in the end. I also think it's hilarious that ares and Aphrodite were chained together in bed. I wonder how old that got when they both couldn't move after a while! I really like the theme of your storybook and will try to remember it for future weeks. I would love to see what you decide to write next! Great job!!!

  21. I’ve previously read your storybook so I’ve been choosing to checkup on storybooks I had previously read. I really liked your story of Hera when I first read it, I liked the idea she was both a sympathetic and ridiculously selfish character. This time I read the story of Aphrodite. I actually read the story of Hephaistos catching Aphrodite in bed with Ares and I liked it. It’s in our UN-Textbook. I didn’t know that they ended up getting divorced though. It always bothered me that Hephaistos got revenge on Aphrodite yet Hera did not. I admit that I liked the story, though it was the same story I had previously read with a different tone. Maybe because I had read the story already, but I wish you had told the story of Troy. I don’t know that story but I know it’s a bit more scandalous than the Ares affair. After all, Aphrodite was always having an affair just like her father.

  22. Great storybook theme! Im sure it was easy to find stories and make it really juicy gossip, because a lot of gods and goddesses in mythology do very messed up things.
    I liked that you started with Hera because she always seems so passive to the things that happened to her, but she really is a little evil. I can't really blame her though, it would be hard being the goddess of marriage and having a horrible marriage. And having a husband who is basically un-punishable would be difficult too. You would have to take your anger out on something, which sadly in greek mythology is the adulterers child. Which doesn't make too much sense because they didn't have a say in what went down.
    I also liked Aphrodite's story because we all know she is goddess of love and that can always start some drama. A beautiful goddess, who can convince men to do whatever she wants has too much power, which leads to trouble. I liked how you make your storybook educational, but still fun! Cant wait to read about Zeus!

  23. I love reading stories about the Greek Gods and Goddesses. So I really enjoy your storybook theme. I read the intro and the Hera section. I was glad you did Hera first because if this was real life her stories would seriously be the center of attention. Everyone loves a good revenge story. Hera was an extremely jealous person and not really good at her job so to say. She was the goddess of marriage and children. But she had the worst marriage and took revenge on Zeus through his children. How messed up is that?! Not sure why anyone would have prayed to her! She would be better fit as the goddess of revenge. I love hearing about her different revenge rampages but it may have been more suspenseful and gossip-y if you did like one event and exaggerated it. But either way I enjoyed the story- great work!

  24. Hi, Jessica! You did a really great job at your storybook. I really love your title. I picked Greek mythology as my storybook subject as well, so I really enjoyed your stories in your story book because I have some knowledge over what you were writing about. I like the title that you have chose because it is simple but It simple shows a lot about what you were going to write about for your stories in your story book. I like the background theme you picked. Although it would have been wonderful to have some sort of high mountain as the background image but it was still cute. I really enjoyed your story. I like how you wrote stories for both male and female characters. It is great that you picked Greek gods or goddess for your topic. My topic was about creatures in the Greek mythology. Anyhow, I really enjoyed your stories. Good job!

  25. Hi, Jessica! I really like your Storybook! I like it because we get to hear what is really going on with all of the Greek gods and goddesses. I immediately picked your Storybook because I took Latin in high school, so I am familiar with a lot of the background stories on the Greek gods and goddesses.
    The only thing I would recommend changing is to tell us who is giving us all of this gossip about the gods and goddesses. Is it someone who spies on all of them? Is it a god or goddess who has been made of fun a lot by the other gods and goddesses? I think it would add a little character to your Storybook to tell us who is giving us all this information.
    As far as the layout, I love the font that you chose for the Storybook. It is a great size and stands out well against the white background. Overall, great job and I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future!

  26. I really liked your storybook, it was one of my favorites. I read your Hera and Aphrodite stories and really liked them. I enjoyed the character flaws and the gossipy tone of your stories. I was really excited to read about Apollo because he was always my favorite Greek god. I don’t know why I like him the best because I haven’t actually read very many stories about him. I just know he has a chariot and that he pulls the sun across the sky. Plus, I knew Apollo was Artemis’s sister. I would imagine Asclepius was bothered by the fact that his father killed his mother. I would have been. I didn’t know Zeus was married before Hera though. Oh my gosh, Zeus was always an awful person (god?). Zeus really is exactly like his dad. He ate his very pregnant wife. Also 92 kids? I feel like that’s a small amount considering his lifespan.

  27. Hey Jessica,
    I chose to read your storybook for one of the nominated projects this week, which I had not read your storybook yet. I am really glad I made this choice because it has been one of the best and most interesting storybooks I have read this semester. I can tell that you really took your time and was very detailed in your storybook. This storybook was great because it is something we can all relate to since gossip is such a prevalent theme in today’s society. Also, I decided to choose your storybook because anything about the Greek gods and goddesses infatuates me. Your introduction does a phenomenal job on setting up the rest of your story, providing us with the right amount of information. I couldn’t believe all of that stuff about Zeus, it really caught me off guard. He acted exactly like his father. Good job!

  28. Hi Jessica!
    Great storybook! If there was Mount Olympus gossip it would never end. The gods and goddesses are always doing something they are not supposed to, which makes for a good story. I am glad you added Aphrodite in her storybook because he was a very known goddess. She was the goddess of love, but didn't quite cherish it. Like you said she was with many many other people and many things happened to her in her life that it must have been easy to write about, but not so easy which story to choose. You did a great one, because it showed her adultery and also the way she won over Poseidon with her charm.
    Sues was also a great god to talk about because he is super known. He also made many questionable decisions, which lead to all his children. Him also being married to Hera was an interesting couple because she was super manipulative and defiantly enjoyed revenge. I liked how you mentioned that the gods and goddess take their anger out on the children, because I never thought that was fair either. This was super interesting and like all gossip nice and juicy! Great read!

  29. Jessica, I love the theme of your storybook! What a funny and interesting way to keep readers interested and coming back for more! Everyone, no matter how much they deny it, loves hearing gossip! it's just human nature! Also, the theme and layout of your storybook is very well put together! It takes a lot of effort to edit your site and get everything just right, but yours is definitely one of the better ones I've seen! I read your introduction and first story about Hera and I really enjoyed it! The way you told the story was scandalous and sad, but it also makes you take into account Hera's feelings. The things Hera would do out of jealousy were terrible, but you get an idea as to why she did some of the things she did. I can't wait to read more of your stories! I'll try to come back and read some more before the end of the class! Overall, good job and good luck on the rest of your semester!

  30. Hey Jessica! This was SUCH an amazing Storybook--so funny and engaging! I loved how you made the narrator a secret--I think it's a lot easier for someone to tell the brutal truth about people--especially people you've hung out for a long time with--when no one actually KNOWS it's them saying that stuff! It's occurred to me a couple times that it must have been hard for all the gods on Mount Olympus to get along after living together in such close quarters, with so many larger-than-life characters, for so many years--and I think that gossip would have been rampant! But anyway, your tone in these stories is so spot-on for gossip in general (so much irony and snark; I laughed so many times), and I liked all the details you put in each story about that particular god or goddess--I used to love looking up random details about the Greek gods and goddesses, so I totally geeked out. Great job, and good luck on the rest of the semester!

  31. Hey there Jessica!

    So I am from the land of Indian Epics and I was brought to the story because of your title. I love it! I have always had an interest in Greek Mythology and I love what you did with it! I only read the introduction and the story “Hera.” First off, I love that picture of Hera! She is so pretty! It must have been hard to find.

    I really like how we get to know get to know each god or goddess. If you had a huge amount of time it would have been really cool to do all of them! But that is a ton of stories. I do think you picked some of the best ones. I actually hadn’t heard of Hera or if I had I didn’t quiet remember who she was. I mean it has been a while since I watched Hercules, so what is was his mom .

    Great Job!

  32. Hi Jessica! I just finished reading your story about Aphrodite and all of her affairs! My first thought when reading the story was why would she even get married if she loved love so much. It just seems silly. I really enjoyed how your story really showed that she couldn’t keep away from the thought of love, though. I liked that you showed her husband’s side of the story, and how he decided to get back at her. I do agree with you that it was a little unfair to punish her daughter, since it wasn’t really her choice to have the affair. I also thought it was cool how you included that this little bump in the road didn’t slow Aphrodite down, and that she just kept on doing her thing. Your Author’s note was also really informative about the theories of Aphrodite’s life, and also Ares and why he created the chains. Great Job! Good luck with the rest of your semester!
