Monday, January 18, 2016

Introduction To Future Advertising Professional

My name is Jessica Schaefer and I'm a senior Advertising major with a minor in Spanish from Grapevine, Texas. I really enjoy my major, and my favorite part of advertising is the creative freedom that it allows, even though I've become super critical of any and all advertisements I see now. I've been able to work on some really cool projects through Gaylord. For example, last semester my group did a branding project in our capstone for an actual energy bar client and really put our skills to the test. It was definitely one of the most difficult classes I've taken within my major, but really allowed me to build my advertising skills and learn which fields of advertising that I truly want to work in.  After I graduate in May I hope to work at either an advertising agency in branding, digital media, or media planning, or to work in the branding department in-house somewhere. I'd love to be able to move to LA, Portland or Seattle after starting my career. My dream job would definitely be to work on branding for Nike or for Apple.

I've been a dog person all of my life up until last year when I got my cat, Michael. He's a Russian Blue that I adopted from the shelter and he's a little over a year old. His favorite activities include sitting in the bathtub and attacking people's legs when they least expect it. He also has a very funny pouch that swings when he walks or runs that is the focal point for anyone that comes to see him. He's a handful and extremely playful, but is one of my favorite pets that I've ever had. I'm also super biased, so whenever he actually does something wrong I can't stay mad at him for very long. I actually took him home for Christmas and my dog Buddy became obsessed with him and would follow him around, even though Michael would bat him any chance he got. 

(Personal photo of Michael doing one of his favorite activities, sitting in the bathtub).

I like to think I have a wide variety of hobbies and interests. I really enjoy reading, traveling, writing and photography. Two of my internships over the past year have actually been in copywriting, so it was really cool to be able to combine my hobby with my career. I'm also a huge sports fan and am super excited for this year's basketball season. I also really like doing a variety of outdoor activities. My friends and I enjoy hiking and camping and try to get outside as much as possible.  With traveling, I hope to be able to travel all over the world and eventually start a travel blog. My friends and I are planning all sorts of trips for after graduation, and I actually have a goal of traveling to all 50 states within the next four years, and I'm currently at 26. 

I have a lot of goals for myself, especially for my life after graduation, but I'm really trying to enjoy my last semester of college with my friends. I'm really excited to see what this semester, and year, will bring. 


  1. Hi Jessica! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Hae Young. I hope you are able to achieve your dreams of advertising for such a large company. As far as majors go, we are kind of the complete opposite since I am a science major but in terms of hobbies I really enjoy photography, traveling, and reading just like you.

    That’s funny that your cat enjoys sitting in the bathtub! It’s kind of a silly place to hang out don’t you agree?

    Anyways, I hope you have a really awesome last semester! Enjoy every bit that’s left.

    P.S. I want the same traveling goals as you..

  2. Hi, Jessica! I am also an advertising major from Texas!

    I love how you mentioned you like advertising because of the creative freedom it allows; I feel the exact same way! I love having a major (and hopefully future career) that is in line with my hobbies. I think it’s really neat that you’ve had two internships in copywriting. I would love to see where life takes you after graduation, especially with all of your traveling goals. I think that is so cool.

    Good luck to you in your last semester!

  3. Advertising is such a cool form of writing, Jessica: more than any other kind of writer, you have to grab your audience's attention right from the start and focus on your message. It's very challenging, but when it works, it can be such a great form of storytelling. I really liked the Procrastination Museum advertisement (the one from back in Week 1), and I guess my all-time favorite ad that tells a story is the Traveler's Insurance one about the dog. Maybe you will want to do an advertising-themed project for this class. There are all kinds of ways you could make that work: mythological marketing! :-)

  4. Hey Jessica, what a great intro! I love all animals so Michael is adorable! My grandmother's border collie also loves to sleep in the bathtub, maybe it makes them feel secure and cool! I also love to travel and my goal is to travel to every continent so I think every state is super awesome!
    I've heard wonderful things about Portland and Seattle so living there would be great! There's always something to do and so many food markets!

  5. Hi Jessica! I love that you named you cat Michael. I think its so fun when people name their pets human names. We were actually thinking of naming our dog Harold at first, and I still wish we would have. I think its great that you have found a career that can also include your interests. I think it really makes life more enjoyable. I want to be a physical therapist, and love whenever I get to go into a clinic to observe. Best of luck to you in your last semester!

  6. Hi Jessica! I am also from the North Texas area, I am from Plano! I also have a cat that likes to attack people, my cat RJ (who is pictured in the Intro for my blog). I've never understood why he is so grouchy sometimes, but I do adore him! I am actually a Public Relations major, so it's nice to meet someone else whose major is in Gaylord!

  7. Hi Jessica! Those are some serious travel goals--have you gotten to study abroad at all while you've been here at OU? It seems like advertising would actually be a really great major/career to go into in order to combine most of your hobbies...I picked anthropology as my major for the same reason, although things have turned out be a bit different than I thought they'd be! It sounds like your capstone project was a bit like one of the classes I'm taking this semester: really hard, but really good for pushing yourself and finding out what you want to do in your field. Michael is adorable, and it's so cool that you adopted him while you're still in college-- I want a cat but I don't stay in Oklahoma during breaks so much and I fly back and forth from home, which makes it really difficult to even keep *plants*, much less a pet...

  8. Hey Jessica! We live so close to each other, I’m from Colleyville! I think it’s really cool that you got to incorporate one of your hobbies into your internship. That must have made it a lot more enjoyable! Sometimes I wish my major had a little more creativity involved in it because I love doing stuff like that too! I also think your cat is so cute and am planning on getting one when I graduate and live on my own!

  9. Hey Jessica,

    I love your plan about traveling to all 50 states! That's definitely a fun thing to do, and you'll probably find something neat about certain states you thought were tourist-ly worthless. (The Thai food in Alaska is surprisingly delicious). I'm dying to go to Hawaii, myself.

    We're both in Gaylord; I'm a PW major! Who was your copywriting internship with? (Congrats on already completing 2 internship, by the way!)

  10. Michael is so cute! I love Russian Blues, they're so pretty and kind of majestic looking! Whenever I let my cat hang around dogs she usually just completely ignores them and then falls asleep, so it's fun that your animals were more interested in each other! Visiting all 50 states is also a very cool goal, there's so much to see in our country!

  11. Hey! Wow your career sounds so interesting and it sounds like you truly enjoy it! Im super pumped for you and your future goals! That is crazy youve already been to 26 states! I have been to like five lol. But i hope you can reach your goal of all 50! Good luck with everything!

  12. Hey Jessica! Advertising sounds like a really fun major, and its super cool that you’ve gotten such great experience while in school. I too am mostly a dog person, but one of my roommates last year got a cat that I absolutely adore! I plan on traveling after I finish my physical therapy program! I think that you’ve got some great goals set for yourself. Good luck with the rest of semester!

  13. Hey Jessica! I enjoyed reading your introduction and getting to know you a little bit. I can't imagine being a advertising major and seeing advertisements everywhere and unconsciously grading them haha. I am a senior too so I know what you mean about trying to soak it all up while you can. Also, Portland and Seattle are awesome and if you make it there you won't be disappointed. Good luck with he rest of the year!

  14. Congratulation on almost being graduated! That class you took sounds like it was really great. I m a junior this year so I'm really looking forward to my capstone and almost bing done! I used to be a cat person but then they always attacked me to much. I am total dog only person now though! Good luck with all your classes!

  15. LA, Portland and Seattle all sounds like exciting and interesting places to move to. I wish you the best of luck with your advertising career. I've been to Portland and Seattle, but never LA.
    Visiting all 50 states sounds like an exciting goal. It's one I've considered as well. I also love traveling! Visiting all of the countries in Europe could be another really exciting goal, though that one might take a little more than four years :)

  16. Hi Jessica! I am a Public Relations major here at OU! I always loved my advertising classes in Gaylord and I think very highly of that field. I would also love to move to Portland or Seattle one day. I have never been to either of those places, but I heard that they are incredible. It was so much fun getting to read your introduction. I hope that you have an amazing semester. Keep up the good work!

  17. Hi Jessica! My name is Austin, and I'm a senior this year as well. I can definitely relate to your love for traveling! I'm a pilot so I hope to travel all over the world! It's so funny that you mention wanting to visit all 50 states. That has been one of my goals since I was a child. So far I'm at 23 states, so I'm not too far behind you! lol Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  18. Hi Jessica!
    Our lives are actually pretty similar! I am a junior advertising major, and I also am working towards a minor in Spanish. I am also from Fort Worth, Texas which is pretty close to Grapevine. So all of that was pretty cool to read! I was wondering where you have interned in the past? I am currently working on the whole process of applying, interviewing, and trying to land one for the upcoming summer!
    I thought your cat was super cute! I am dying to get a pet of my own. Unfortunately, our landlord next year has a very strict "no pets" policy. He even made us sign a separate page in the contract that addressed not having pets and not allowing pets to even come visit. It made me pretty sad, actually, since I really want a pet of my own! It would just be terrible to have to find somewhere for them to live for that entire year. I might as well just wait.
    Good luck finding a job and everything! The internship process alone is pretty intimidating to me, so I can't imagine what its like!

  19. Hi Jessica!
    I enjoyed reading your introduction post. Spanish is a cool major. I have taken a few courses over the years and they can be challenging. Sounds like you have an exciting career ahead of you. I too am fond of cats. Your cats seem pretty funny. Is there a particular reason he likes sitting in the bathtub? Well, nice to meet you. Have a great rest of the semester!

  20. Hi Jessica! Congrats on your final semester. I am really surprised at the number of advertising majors in this class. It sounds like you have chosen a major that you really enjoy. I love your cat. I am very much a cat person. I used to have one that loved to sleep in the bathroom sink. I think it's great that you want to visit all 50 states. I would like to do that someday as well. Good luck on your final few weeks of the semester.

  21. Hey Jessica! I am also an Advertising major and a Spanish minor AND I am from Southlake, Texas! Wow how strange is that?! I would love to work for Nike because I love the company, brand, and I wear all of their stuff. Your cat is precious, the picture of Michael in the bathtub is so cute. Good luck with your last few weeks at OU and good luck with your future!
